Category Archives: discourse & technology
Electric Rhetoric – Technologies of Electric Rhetoric
The Sophistic performance of electronic rhetoric has arrived. …It is on computers. … and it is on television. (137) Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. The MIT Press, 1999. In this fifth Chapter of Electric Rhetoric, Technologies of Electric Rhetoric, Welch elaborates on her idea of an electric rhetoric–stemming…
Electric Rhetoric – A New Literacy
Electronic technologies have led to electronic consciousness, an awareness or mentalité that now changes literacy but in no way diminishes it. (104) Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. The MIT Press, 1999. Welch begins this work noting that computer screens dominate the workplace and other key places in our…
Presence of the Word – Word as Sound
[C]ultures which do not reduce words to space but know them only as oral-aural phenomena, in actuality or in the imagination, naturally regard words as more powerful than do literate cultures” (112). Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. The Terry Lectures. New Haven: Yale University Press,…
Reading Images: Multimodality, Representation and New Media – Kress
“Each mode forces me into making certain kinds of commitments about meaning, intended or not. The choice of mode has profound effects on meaning…” (111). Kress, Gunther. “Reading Images: Multimodality, Representation and New Media.” Information Design Journal & Document Design 12 2 (2004): 110-19. In this 2004 article, continues his discussion of multimodality and representation…
Interview with Gunther Kress
Bearne, Eve. “Interview with Gunther Kress.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 26 3 (2005): 287-99. In this 2005 interview, Eve Bearne from the University of Cambridge, UK discusses multimodality and new media with Gunther Kress, a Professor at University of London and expert on the topic. She grounds this discussion in Kress’s…
Avatars of the Word – O’Donnell– 2: The Instability of Text
O’Donnell, J. J. (2000). Avatars of the word: From papyrus to cyberspace: Harvard University Press. In this chapter, O’Donnell discusses the instability and, in some ways (un)reliability, of the written word in both printed and electronic form. The printed format is generally a far cry more consistent than the pre-Gutenberg manuscript format. However, upon closer…
Is a blind man’s cane part of the man?
Based on a question I found in Hayles’ book originally posed by a professor (Gregory Bateson) to his graduate students, I queried “Is a blind man’s cane part of the man?” on my Facebook page. This launched one of the longer conversations I’ve had on FB, the culmination of which is worth repurposing into a…
12 Seconds
I was recently introduced to 12 seconds. It is another online video site. However, with this one, you only get 12 seconds to say what you need to say. At first thought, this might seem a questionable format, as there is little one can say in a mere 12 seconds. However,
Post PodcampAZ 08
Last week, I attended and presented both days at PodcampAZ 08. It was truly an excellent event at which I met many great people. Much networking, exchanged social capital, and gained inspiration.
ATTW Conference Presentation Proposal
Here is the proposal I am submitting for the 2009 ATTW Conference: Simulating Synchronicity in the Online Classroom Through Embedded Audio-Visual Discussions