Tag Archives: viddler
OVC as a Medium
“Old media are not being displaced. Rather, their functions and status are shifted by the introduction of new technologies” (14). Jenkins, Henry. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. NYU Press, 2008. OVC as a Medium As I’ve discussed in the passed, while my research on the online video conversation (OVC) focuses on students’…
May 2009 Presentation at Texas Tech
I’ve just posted a video of the presentation I gave at Texas Tech. The Embedded Online Video Conversation: Humanness and the Semi-Synchronous Situation in the Asynchronous Online Classroom It discusses the use of Viddler in the online, asynchronous classroom, including an account of data collected through a student survey. This, is getting closer to my…
Semi-Synchronous Communication: Adding Notes in Viddler.
Last week, I was discussing with someone the ability one has to add textual comments (annotations) to the timeline of online videos, such as in YouTube and Viddler. In this way, one is commenting textually at certain points in the timeline of the video. This is rather exciting, since it breaks a limitation of annotating…