Category Archives: a/v discussion
Presence of the Word – Word as Sound
[C]ultures which do not reduce words to space but know them only as oral-aural phenomena, in actuality or in the imagination, naturally regard words as more powerful than do literate cultures” (112). Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. The Terry Lectures. New Haven: Yale University Press,…
MEA Presentation June, 2009
I’ve just posted a video of the presentation I gave in June for the MEA Conference. Digital Orality and the Online Video Conversation: Simulating Synchronicity and Preserving Humanness in Distance Communication Here is the latest presentation. This was presented on June 19th at St. Louis University for the Tenth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology…
May 2009 Presentation at Texas Tech
I’ve just posted a video of the presentation I gave at Texas Tech. The Embedded Online Video Conversation: Humanness and the Semi-Synchronous Situation in the Asynchronous Online Classroom It discusses the use of Viddler in the online, asynchronous classroom, including an account of data collected through a student survey. This, is getting closer to my…
A Brief History of Communication Media
From primary orality through to our current age, there have been a number of major communication advancements traceable through the tools and technology that have risen. Each of these advancing examples tended (or tends) to have a specific delivery style, conditions of communication, and offers us one or more benefit–aural, visual, textual, archival, or live…
ATTW Presentation Video is Up
The video recording of my ATTW presentation is up. I also added a movie of the PPT slideshow. Click play on the video and then immediately click Play on the PPT video below it; you can watch them together. Check out the Video(s)
Dissertation Topic – Online Video Conversations
Here is a video directed at my dissertation committee. However, as it discusses my direction, I am posting it here.
12 Seconds
I was recently introduced to 12 seconds. It is another online video site. However, with this one, you only get 12 seconds to say what you need to say. At first thought, this might seem a questionable format, as there is little one can say in a mere 12 seconds. However,
ATTW Conference Presentation Proposal
Here is the proposal I am submitting for the 2009 ATTW Conference: Simulating Synchronicity in the Online Classroom Through Embedded Audio-Visual Discussions
The Social/Rhetorical/Epistemic Situation of Audio-Visual Discussion
This post is in response to This comment, which essentially inquires as to the way in which elements of primary AND which elements of secondary orality play into: Orally-based web 2.0 technologies; Interpersonal relationships and the associated oral communication patterns; People in front of the radio or around an orator versus the experience of having…