Category Archives: New Media
Mediation and Remediation
Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. Remediation: Understanding New Media. The MIT Press, 2000. In chapter two, the authors discuss Mediation and Remediation. They note that while hypermedia and transparent media are opposites in design, they have a common goal: to move beyond representations and attain the real. However, the real is not some objective,…
Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation
Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. Remediation: Understanding New Media. The MIT Press, 2000. Repurposing as remediation is both what is “unique to digital worlds” and what denies the possibility of that uniqueness” (50). In chapter one of this text, the authors discuss immediacy, hypermediacy, and remediation. Fittingly, they offer the disclaimer that they make…
Publication: New Media in the Online Classroom
An article I wrote over a year ago was published today in the Rocky Mountain Communication Review. While it was a rather lengthy gestation period from submission to publication, I am pleased to finally see it in print. It looks very good. Here it is in PDF form: Barrow, Time. (2009) “New Media in the…
RMCR Paper Accepted
I just got word that my paper “New Media in the Online Classroom: Delivering Content with Web 2.0 Technologies” was accepted (as-is) for publication in the Rocky Mountain Communication Review (RMCR) edition on “New Media, New Relations.” This online journal should be publishing around March 1. The paper defines “new media,” considering what constitutes new…
Post PodcampAZ 08
Last week, I attended and presented both days at PodcampAZ 08. It was truly an excellent event at which I met many great people. Much networking, exchanged social capital, and gained inspiration.
Parker on Powerpoint
Parker presents a few characteristics of Powerpoint that do not seem to be as unique as she suggests.
Modularity of New Media
Lev Manovich sites the five principles of New Media as Numerical Presentation, modularity, automation, variability, and transcoding. It is the second category, modularity, with which I seem to take issue. Manovich calls modularity the “fractal structure of new media.”
What is New Media?
After reading Manovich’s chapter on this topic, my concept of defining new media is a bit fuzzy. I can provide examples of new media tools and features, but of increasing worth is the ability to provide a list of characteristics of what is and what is not new media. Manovich addressed exactly these points; however,…