Category Archives: dissertation
Methodology 2
Here is the methodology from my final pre-proposal submitted in May 2010. I am posting it now, since the blog posts over the next three weeks will all be on my dissertation methods. The nature of this study–examining an online communication method–is one of social acts. Using a social phenomenological inquiry to examine this subject…
Presence of the Word – Plato’s Take
Spoken words are events, engaged in time and indeed in the present. Plato’s ideas were the polar opposite: not events at all, but motionless “objective” existence, impersonal, and out of time. (34). Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. The Terry Lectures. New Haven: Yale University Press,…
Presence of the Word – Back to Oral (Not)
Ong, Walter J. The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious History. The Terry Lectures. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. As I’ve noted many times through this blog, I am not suggesting through my focus on this unique form of aural/visual communication that we are on some track to return to…
Exploring Learning through Visual, Actional and Linguistic Communication: The Multimodal Environment of a Science Classroom.
Jewitt, Carey, et al. “Exploring Learning through Visual, Actional and Linguistic Communication: The Multimodal Environment of a Science Classroom.” Educational Review 53 1 (2001): 5-18. From the abstract: It suggests that learning is realised through the interaction between visual, actional and linguistic communication (i.e. learning is multimodal) and involves the transformation of information across different…
Pre-Proposal posted
I am aware that I’ve been getting many new readers to this blog over the past few weeks and months. Furthermore, I realize that someone embarking on this blog anew might be at least somewhat lost, as if opening a text to the middle page and beginning to read. I frequently reference the “OVC” and…
Contrasting Time Mode and Sensory Modality in the Performance of Computer Mediated Groups Using Asynchronous Videoconferencing.
Nowak, K. L., Watt, J., Walther, J. B., Pascal, C., Hill, S., & Lynch, M. (2004/01/01/). Contrasting time mode and sensory modality in the performance of computer mediated groups using asynchronous videoconferencing. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Place of Publication: Los Alamitos, CA, USA; Big…
Exploring Online Videos as a Way to Share Knowledge
Lewis, J. (2008). Exploring online videos as a way to share knowledge. Knowledge Management Review, 11(1), 28-33. This anonymous article looks at an interview with Joyce Lewis, marketing and communications manager, University of Southampton, UK on the topic of the Electronics and Computer Science School’s use of online video to broadcast student and faculty news…
Social Information Processing Perspective (SIPP)
Kim, Junghyun. “Interpersonal Interaction in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) : Exploratory Qualitative Research based on Critical Review of the Existing Theories” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Marriott Hotel, San Diego, CA, May 27, 2003. Yet another theory Junghyun Kim discusses in his 2003 article. Created by J.B. Walther (1992),…
Media Richness Theory
Again, I am merely touching on this theory due to the fact that I am this week discussing Junghyun Kim’s 2003 article in which he discusses this and other media theories. Soon, I will elaborate on this theory, including the subsequent Media Synchronicity and Media Naturalness theories. Media richness theory, proposed by Daft and Lengel…
Social Presence Theory
This theory is foundational to my own research, with my current working dissertation title being: “The Online Video Conversation: Social Presence in the Asynchronous Online Classroom.” I will detail this much further later. However, I am now giving this overview, since I am discussing Junghyun Kim’s 2003 article this/last week, and he addresses this theory…