All posts by timebarrow
Phenomenology and Sociology
Vaitkus, S. (2000). Phenomenology and Sociology. In Bryan S. Turner (Ed.). The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory. Second ed. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. In this chapter from the larger text on social theory, Vaitkus discusses phenomenology in general and specifically, the sociological approach. He details phenomenology as originating with Edmund Husserl and explains the difficulty…
Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
Creswell, John W. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design : Choosing among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1998. For my dissertation study, I chose to use a qualitative method (or series of methods), due to its multi-method focus, interpretive approach, and purpose. Qualitative studies analyze and interpret observations to discover meanings and patterns of…
Methodology 2
Here is the methodology from my final pre-proposal submitted in May 2010. I am posting it now, since the blog posts over the next three weeks will all be on my dissertation methods. The nature of this study–examining an online communication method–is one of social acts. Using a social phenomenological inquiry to examine this subject…
Media Naturalness Theory 2
Kock, Ned. “The Ape That Used Email: Understanding E-Communication Behavior through Evolution Theory.” Communications of AIS 5 3 (2001): 29. In September 2009, I published posts on media richness theory and media synchronicity theory. (Be sure to check out this week’s posts continuing the discussion on each of those, as well.) Additionally, I discussed media…
Media Synchronicity Theory 2
Dennis, A. R., et al. “Beyond Media Richness: An Empirical Test of Media Synchronicity Theory.” Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol I (1998): 48-57. I first introduced and discussed media synchronicity theory in a September 2009 post, . While that provides a decent overview of the theory, including why they…
Information Richness Theory
Daft, R. L., and R. H. Lengel. (1984). “Information Richness – a New Approach to Managerial Behavior and Organizational Design.” Research in Organizational Behavior 6 : 191-233. Information Richness is the foundation of media richness theory, which I addressed in a September 2009 post and again in March 2010. While those two posts (particularly the…
Social Information Processing Theory
SIPT explicitly assumes that individuals are motivated to form impressions and develop relationships of some kind, no matter what medium they are using (394). Walther, Joseph B., Leslie A. Baxter, and Dawn O. Braithewaite. “Social Information Processing Theory.” Engaging Theories in Interpersonal Communication: Multiple Perspectives. Eds. Baxter, Leslie A. and Dawn O. Braithewaite. Thousand Oaks,…
Effects of Medium of Communication on Experimental Negotiation
Short, J. A. Effects of Medium of Communication on Experimental Negotiation. Human Relations. 27 3 (1974): 225-34 This 1974 article details a study that John Short conducted to determine the effects of communication medium on experimental negotiation. While it was written over 35 years ago, it is foundational to social presence theory that Short later…
Electric Rhetoric – Technologies of Electric Rhetoric
The Sophistic performance of electronic rhetoric has arrived. …It is on computers. … and it is on television. (137) Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. The MIT Press, 1999. In this fifth Chapter of Electric Rhetoric, Technologies of Electric Rhetoric, Welch elaborates on her idea of an electric rhetoric–stemming…
Electric Rhetoric – An Isocratic Literacy Theory
I contend that we do not now know Isocrates’ rhetorical theories well enough, because we have not understood classical Greek rhetoric and writing practices for our electrified time. (33) Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. The MIT Press, 1999. In this Chapter 2 of Electric Rhetoric, Welch argues that…