All posts by timebarrow

What is New Media?

After reading Manovich’s chapter on this topic, my concept of defining new media is a bit fuzzy. I can provide examples of new media tools and features, but of increasing worth is the ability to provide a list of characteristics of what is and what is not new media. Manovich addressed exactly these points; however,…

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Warnick, Welch, and Zappen on Electronic Rhetoric

Again, I read a number of articles (cited below) and was posed relating questions: Warnick, Barbara. 2005. “Looking to the Future: Electronic Texts and the Deepening Interface.” Technical Communication Quarterly 14(3), 327-333. Welch, Kathleen. 1999. “Technologies of Electric Rhetoric.” Electric Rhetoric. Cambridge: MIT Press. Zappen, James P. “Digital Rhetoric: Toward an Integrated Theory.” Technical Communication…

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