Tag Archives: teaching
Publication: New Media in the Online Classroom
An article I wrote over a year ago was published today in the Rocky Mountain Communication Review. While it was a rather lengthy gestation period from submission to publication, I am pleased to finally see it in print. It looks very good. Here it is in PDF form: Barrow, Time. (2009) “New Media in the…
Be Enterprising and Show Us the Water
A student wrote me last night with some excellent information for the class. All ASU students and faculty (anyone with an ASUrite ID) can download a little client (Mac or PC) to his or her desktop and use a ton of free software, including the major Adobe design apps, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and other things like…
Is it wrong to type 2 spaces?
Recently, I was speaking with my Father, who is truly one of the smartest, most well-read people I know. That said, he is, well… less-than-proficient in his knowledge and skill of computer use in general. I know many people who relate to this situation (that a similar statement can be said of their well-educated, successful,…