Tag Archives: cyberculture

Cyberculture – Interactivity

Lévy, Pierre. Cyberculture. Electronic Mediations, V. 4. Minneapolis, Minn.; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2001. ‘In this brief chapter, Lévy address the topic of interactivity, including the problem of defining it, and the various levels of interactivity. For example, even an individual seated on a c ouch, watching television is interacting with that medium to…

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Cyberculture – Dimensions of Communication

Lévy, Pierre. Cyberculture. Electronic Mediations, V. 4. Minneapolis, Minn.; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2001. Having had varying amounts of confusion defining certain elements and categorizations of the online video conversation (OVC), such as whether it is a medium, a method of communication, a genre, etc., I have found in Cyberculture an excellent approach to…

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Levy, Pierre. Cyberculture. Electronic Mediations, V. 4. Minneapolis, Minn.; London: University of Minnesota Press, 2001, “Technology is responsible for neither our salvation nor our destruction. Always ambivalent, technologies project our emotions, intentions, and projects in to the material world. The instruments we have built provide us with power, but since we are collectively responsible, the…

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