Tag Archives: social theory
Media Naturalness Theory 2
Kock, Ned. “The Ape That Used Email: Understanding E-Communication Behavior through Evolution Theory.” Communications of AIS 5 3 (2001): 29. In September 2009, I published posts on media richness theory and media synchronicity theory. (Be sure to check out this week’s posts continuing the discussion on each of those, as well.) Additionally, I discussed media…
Equilibrium Theory – Argyle & Dean
Argyle, M., & Dean, J. (1965). Eye contact, distance, and affiliation. Sociometry, 28, 289- 304. Argyle, M., & Cook, M. (1976). Gaze and mutual gaze. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Uni- versity Press. Another example of the discussion on whether there is a certain level of interchangeability of verbal and non-verbal cues of immediacy in the realm…
Social Information Processing Perspective (SIPP)
Kim, Junghyun. “Interpersonal Interaction in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) : Exploratory Qualitative Research based on Critical Review of the Existing Theories” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Marriott Hotel, San Diego, CA, May 27, 2003. Yet another theory Junghyun Kim discusses in his 2003 article. Created by J.B. Walther (1992),…