This is the survey that I submitted to my Spring Semester Students on using Embedded Video in the Classroom. I incorporated the results into my ATTW presentation. These 10 questions represent a sort of test (or micro-) study. I will create a more in-depth survey to use to collect data for the dissertation.

1. In online classes you’ve taken before this one, did you feel the communication was lacking in some aspect?
a. TWC 301 is first online class.
b. Yes
c. No

2.Have you ever taken an online course in which you used online video to communicate with the instructor or with the class?
a. Yes
b. No

3. Have you ever used video in a course for reasons other than communication?
a. Yes
b. No
If so, for what reason did you use video? Please elaborate on your answer.

4. To what extent do you feel that online courses remove the humanness of a face-to-face class?
a. Not at all
b. Somewhat
c. Completely

5. How important is humanness to you in the educational setting?
a. Not at all important to me
b. Not very important to me
c. Somewhat important to me
d. Extremely important to me

6. Do you prefer the synchronous (live) class setting, in which you can get immediate interaction with both instructor and students but information is ephemeral, or do you prefer the asynchronous (non-live) class setting in which interaction is not immediate, but information is archived?
a. Synchronous
b. Asynchronous
Please clarify what you see as the benefits of your preferred class setting.

7. To what extent do you feel that the instructor and student use of online video to communicate at a distance simulates the humanness of the face-to-face class?
a. It is like being there.
b. It simulates it a bit, but it is not like the real thing.
c. It has elements of face-to-face, but it does not simulate it.
d. It is really a very different form of communication.

8. To what extent does the ability to add (embed) comments to an individual’s video timeline, as we do using Viddler, enhance the humanness of an online video that does not offer this ability?
a. Not at all
b. Somewhat
c. Significantly

9. What disadvantages do you see to using embedded online videos to communicate in an online course?

10. What advantages do you see to using embedded online videos to communicate in an online course?